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Your Guide to Better Health this Fall

Your Guide to Better Health this Fall

Give Your Health a Boost this Fall

As the summer months come to an end, and the weather begins to change again, so do your health care needs. Learn more about how you can work toward supporting your health and wellness during this transitional season. 

Know Your Personal Health Risks

While there are health risks that everyone should be mindful of, there are a set of health risks more common for men as well as risks more common for women. Here’s what you should know about each. 

Men’s Health Risks

Men are less likely to see their primary care doctor for regular checkups and health screenings, only seeing a doctor when something is noticeably wrong. Unfortunately, this leaves men more likely to experience severe health complications from conditions that have gone unnoticed, undiagnosed and untreated. Here are some of the top health conditions that men are at an increased risk for developing: 

Type 2 Diabetes

Men are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes at a lower weight than women due to the way their bodies distribute weight. This is because men have a tendency to carry their weight in their midsections. 

Prostate Cancer

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all men are at risk of developing prostate cancer at some point in their lifetime. It also is important to note that the older a man is, the higher his risk for developing prostate cancer, making it imperative to get regular screenings.  


Men account for a little more than 75 percent of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnoses in the U.S., with gay and bisexual men accounting for 86percent of those cases among males. It is important for men to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases and infections regularly to help to protect themselves and others from the spread of HIV and AIDS. 

Women’s Health Risks

While women are more likely to seek preventive medical care, they have a higher risk of developing certain health conditions, including:. 

Heart Disease

According to the (CDC), heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for women in the U.S... While this condition also affects men, women often don’t realize that they are at an increased risk for developing heart disease because they may show no apparent symptoms, making it essential to maintain regular physical exams. 

Breast Cancer

The (CDC) states that breast cancer is a disease that affects the cells within the breast, causing them to grow out of control. Typically, breast cancer starts in the ducts, or the lobules, of the breast. Women who are getting older or have a family history of breast cancer are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer, making it essential to have regular screenings. 

Stay Up to Date on Your Wellness Exams

Although many people find themselves giving their primary care doctor a call when something’s wrong, there are many benefits to keeping up with your regular wellness exams and checkups. They actually help your doctor to learn what’s normal for your body, monitor your health risks and recommend you to the right specialists when issues arise.

Some of the necessary tests and screenings you receive when you get your annual physical include: 

  • Blood work – this is essential when it comes to helping your doctor monitor for the presence of diseases, health conditions and any other abnormalities. 
  • BMI readings – these help your doctor determine whether you’re overweight and at a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions. 
  • Regular cancer screenings – these help your doctor to detect certain cancers early for a better chance of effective treatment. 

Get Vaccinated

While many people feel as though vaccines aren’t necessary or are only for young children, all adults should get vaccinated regularly. In fact, every year, thousands of Americans become seriously ill--and even die--as a result of vaccine-preventable diseases. 

According to the (CDC), in addition to the seasonal flu (influenza) vaccine, there are various vaccines that adults should have during different stages of life, and even with different jobs, to help prevent getting and spreading certain diseases. 

  • Adults aged 19-26 should get vaccinations for Td/Tdap and HPV. 
  • Adults aged 50 and older should get vaccinated for shingles as well as serious pneumococcal diseases.
  • Health care workers should get vaccinated for hepatitis B, MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella), Varicella (Chickenpox) and meningococcal disease.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet plays an important role when it comes to supporting your health. Keep these tips in mind when putting together your grocery list to give your fall food offerings a healthy boost: 

Snack on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Throughout the day, you may find yourself reaching for pre-packaged foods that are full of salt, sugar, and other preservatives. While these are fine to enjoy in moderation, they don’t always have significant nutritional value. An easy way to give your day a nutritional punch is to stock up on fresh fruits and veggies that you can eat throughout the day without the guilt. 

Some seasonal fruits and vegetables that you can prepare ahead of time for a healthy snack include:

  • Apples
  • Green beans
  • Kale
  • Peppers
  • Pears
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Zucchini

Remember to Add Color

When you’re thinking about what foods to put together for a meal, an easy tip to keep in mind that helps you to pack your plate with essential vitamins and nutrients is to add an array of colors to what you’re preparing. If it seems like you’re skewing toward more of one color than others, sprinkle in some fruits and veggies of different hues to round out your plate. 

Primary and Specialty Care in Northeast Ohio

The Southwest General Medical Group, Inc. includes both primary care and specialty care physicians who are committed to providing patients with high-quality medical care. Our team of board-certified specialists and skilled physicians work to raise the bar for excellence in health care service for our community. To learn more about our primary and specialty care services or schedule an appointment, visit our website.