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Elective Rotations and Customization

Selected Elective Rotations

  • Psychiatry
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiology Outpatient
  • Focused Ambulatory Care
  • Focused Administration
  • Transitions of Care, Disease focus
  • Additional time within any of our required rotations

At Southwest General, we pride ourselves on customizing our program to the professional goals and aspirations of our residents. We offer a large degree of flexibility in rotation scheduling and encourage residents to adapt their future schedule as their long term goals become clearer throughout the residency. To accomplish this, we allow our residents 4months of elective time throughout the year. We have created the following “tracks” as examples of the flexibility offered by our program.*

Example Electives by Focus

  • General Experience Focus
    Required rotations plus: Cardiology Inpatient, Psychiatry, focused Ambulatory Care, and Critical Care II.
  • Critical Care Focus
    Required rotations plus: Critical Care II, Infectious Disease II, Cardiology Inpatient, Emergency Department II.
  • Infectious Disease Focus
    Required rotations plus: Infectious disease II, Emergency Department II, Internal Medicine III
  • Ambulatory Care Focus
    Required rotations plus: Cardiology Inpatient, Cardiology Outpatient, Psychiatry, focused Ambulatory Care, Transitions of care II
  • Transitions of Care Focus
    Required rotations plus: Cardiology Inpatient, Cardiology Outpatient, Psychiatry, Transitions of Care II, Transitions of Care Disease focus
  • Academia Focus
    Required rotations plus: Teaching Certificate (Track Two), Transitions of Care II, Critical Care II.

*All tracks fulfill ASHP accreditation standards for PGY-1 programs. Generalized rotations are recommended for residents who want a broad range experiences. Specialized tracks help residents concentrate on future career goals by including focused rotations in addition to core electives. All rotations can be adjusted to changing interests and goals as the year progresses as long as all ASHP requirements are met.