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Geriatric Behavioral Health Unit

Behavioral health services specialized to address the needs of older adults

Geriatric Behavioral Health UnitFor those older adults in our community who will benefit from individual and group treatment for stabilization of acute psychiatric and behavioral symptoms and crisis, Southwest General’s 18-bed in-patient Geriatric Behavioral Health Unit is there to help.

Skilled, Comprehensive and Compassionate Care

Directed by psychiatrists and nurse practitioners experienced in geriatric care together with a patient’s family physician and internal medicine specialists, individualized treatment plans are developed that focus on each patient’s needs. These plans include:

  • A thorough assessment and diagnosis
  • Medical stabilization and supervision
  • Medication management
  • 24-hour nursing care
  • Access to multidisciplinary care team
  • Specialized education for patient, family and caregivers
  • Individual, group and family therapies
  • Discharge planning

A Range of Behavioral Health Treatments to Help Manage a Variety of Conditions

The Geriatric Behavioral Health Unit provides treatments to help you or your loved one achieve relief from the sufferings associated with acute psychiatric and behavioral symptoms that include:

  • Acute and chronic depressive illness
  • Suicide risks
  • Severe anxiety, stress-related problems
  • Delusions
  • Aggressive or assaultive behaviors
  • Social withdrawal
  • Sudden and unexplained changes in behavior
  • Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia with a concurrent psychiatric problem

State-of-the-art treatments, all focused on delivering successful outcomes, are administered in a caring and compassionate manner and include:

  • Crisis intervention
  • Triage to levels of psychiatric care, when appropriate
  • Evaluation of disturbed behaviors/thoughts/mental status
  • Stabilization of deteriorating psychosocial function
  • Protection from self-harm
  • Medication support services
  • Discharge planning and referral for continuation of care and full reintegration to home/community

We Look Forward to Helping

To learn more about the Geriatric Behavioral Health Unit at Southwest General and admission criteria, please call 440-816-6944.